... just got a text from one of my very close friends in Atlanta and that's what it said. In April I left Atlanta to come back up north to Delaware/Maryland for a job. I loved living in Atlanta. So much to do, so many people, but career wise things just were not working. I had moved down there right after graduation, but I had no job and I was sleeping on the couch in my friends tiny one bedroom apartment. After some serious grinding on the job search I started working 2 jobs and making just enough to get by. When the holidays came I couldn't even go see my family because of work. My first and LAST Christmas spent alone. But all that being said, I had a great time down there and kind of fell in love with the city, and have no regrets. I don't even regret Harry, but that's a whole other topic in itself Now I'm back in Dela-where? and all I can do is think about what I could be doing in the "A". I know moving home was the right thing, but I sure do ...
Being a grown up is overrated...