My first day alone and boy am I bored! Im home for 3 weeks, not working, and I can't drive... ugh! I never relaized how bad a need a hobby until this very second! I could be doing several other things, but in comparison being a bum is way more fun!
Study for the GMAT?... nah. Clean?... nah how bout messgae boards and blogs.... ding ding ding.
As for my recovery... yesterday was my first day of full liquids. Full liquids which I will be consuming exclusively for a month. And by liquid I mean pure liquids, not bits and pieces of anything. Luckily its a big step up from the strict clear liquid diet I was on for 5 days. Nothing but broth, Crystal Light, and sugar free popsicle, so adding soups and protein shakes is a blessing.
Study for the GMAT?... nah. Clean?... nah how bout messgae boards and blogs.... ding ding ding.
As for my recovery... yesterday was my first day of full liquids. Full liquids which I will be consuming exclusively for a month. And by liquid I mean pure liquids, not bits and pieces of anything. Luckily its a big step up from the strict clear liquid diet I was on for 5 days. Nothing but broth, Crystal Light, and sugar free popsicle, so adding soups and protein shakes is a blessing.
I also got a lot of relief yesterday.
I was having a big problem figuring out the difference between being full and just being bloated like hell... yesterday cleared that up for me real good. The amount of anything I consume is drastically reduced and I'm really not used to feling full all the time.
Now Im just trying to keep myself busy an motivated "mental hunger" is a b**** that is really getting on my nerves...
Now Im just trying to keep myself busy an motivated "mental hunger" is a b**** that is really getting on my nerves...