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Showing posts from 2009

Party, party, party...

Had the best time ever this weekend at my alma mater, Hampton University, for my first homecoming as an alumni! Reminded me how much I miss college and college life. You can act down right foolish and basically have most of the traits of a 40-something alcoholic and it be acceptable... In order to remember the weekends event I had to take pics... lots of them! Here are a few of the ones that are acceptable for the veiwing of the general public! my future ex-husband and my honey bunches at a party my friends and I at the Homecoming game no clue why... but I really like this picture, I was having a BLAST. My dress was also uber cute. Too bad I was looking a MESS!!! the ridiculous about of food we got at the best breakfast spot on the east coast... Tommy's! I'm still walking off all those carbs and calories... but it was soooo worth it!


FINALLY! A day where I'm home and not too tired to function. I have two jobs you see... one I enjoy and one that I hate both causing me to spend 60 or more hours a week away from my home.. somehow though I am managing to eat halfway right. I've lost about 7 since I started my refocusing movement so not too far to go. I am anticipating a bit of a setback this weekend though because I am going back to my alma mater for homecoming. This means hat I will most likely be consuming ungodly (yes ungodly) amounts of alcohol and at least one 4 am stop to waffle House. This just means that next week I need to be ON POINT! Now for today's random... which is also my new favorite food. whoever decided to put yogurt and honey together was a genius... It's right up there with peanut butter and chocolate in my book, they're basically made for each other! Honestly, it will change your life.

You see me?

After uploading for like 3 hours! I finally got this video blog up! Totally stole the idea from Kristin's blog but its such a GREAT idea I'm sure she doesn't mind... Anyhow just wanted to tell you all more about me so here it is. ENJOY! (BTW... the freeze frame is the worse!)


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 292... 11 pounds heavier than the last time I weighed myself, which I believe was April. I don't even want to talk about it right now... It's going to be a looonnngggg week!

I need a hobby

This is a short post tonight... gotta be up early and have along day ahead! Im just so glad to have the internet back that I had to put up something. After all that Katrina-esque flooding that occurred her my internet was wiped out and I had nothing to do. Made me realize how lame I am... I would literally just lay on the couch looking at the ceiling until something came up... pathetic i know. Tomorrow is kind of scary for me too... Im weighing myself for the first time in moths and I have no idea what to expect. I know I've gained... the question is how much? And can I get back on that losing train that was treating me so well? We shall see. I have been eating good though. Made fish tacos today and they were delish! Meant to take a pic but I dove into to them so fast I completely for got... Next time tho...


so I today is my day to cook for my roommate and I, and I decided to try something different. I made a no-noodle, vegetarian lasagna and it is sooooooooooooo good! Got the idea from my fave cook Miss Rachel Ray, with a few twists, but overall great. Seriously... I can barely believe it was me who made it.

A little motivation...

So I need some motivation and I've decided photos are the way to go. Here's 2 pics of me last year, before my pre-op at about 324lbs This is 4 months post op, fitting into my cotillion gown from High School (see victory post). 6 months post op on a trip to Atlanta before I moved.


Im getting back on track... forreal. Had a bunch of life changes that were really hard to juggle with being broke and trying to eat right, exercise, and all of the other great lifestyle changes I made after I was banded. In the past 6 months I have... Graduated college been unemployed for 4 months moved to Atlanta! Started a new job Not that I'm making excuses for dropping the ball... but I truly just didn't know how to do it. The result is me being TERRIFIED of the scale. Haven't weighed myself in months. I'm thinking October 1st will be D-Day... who knows.


...non scale that is. So today is my senior ball, its kinda like prom but for big kids I didn't feel like going out and looking for a gown, so I got my debutaunte gown altered... and it fit! I am officially the size I was in high school... and maybe a little smaller. Later on I found a dress graduation and tried on the size 22. Way too big! I was sooooo geeked. So I went and grabbed a 20 and it fit... loosely! I was to hype! And the drees is uber cute too. yay me!

all dat AZZ!

I'm loving how no one told there was a huge spelling error in my last title. Thats ok though, go ahead and let me be illiterate! So my homegirl Lauryn sent me a link to the a supplement that apparently works great of a lot of wom en out there called Dime Curves . I'm not a big fan of this kind of thing, HOWEVER I have always wanted a butt! I'm a big girl and my chest very well proportioned but my other end just didn't seem to get the memo. My hope is that as I lose weight the ass that I've always wanted magically appears and I won't have to resort to alternative methods such as this!


Decided to do one of those random 25 facts lists.... so here they are: 1) I love to sing 2) I can't imagine myself even being a grown-up 3) In high school the only reason I was a "good kid" is because I was scared of my mom 4) I trust people way too easily 5) I have always wanted to be gifted in one of the fine arts. Especially when I was younger, I KNEW I was gonna be the next Debbie Allen! 6) Shopping makes me happy 7) Serious books are boring 8) Death terrifies me 9) I'm completely unrealistic when it comes to love and relationships. Pretty much a hopeless romantic. 10) Even though I rarely (if ever) admit it, my roomate is one one of my best friends 11) Subliminally, I think everyone is judging me. 12) I hate when people tell me I'm not fat I'm just a big girl... I'm fat! 13) I've only seriously dated one guy ever... and I'm friggin 22! 14) I always for get either lotion, to brush my teeth, or deodorant... 15) I'm obsessed with handbags. ...


It's been a while... but things are going so slow! I know I won't get hardly any restriction until my first fill but geez... I feel like I can eat the same way I could pre-op. I am making some changes that I think will make the difference. I eat 3 meals and 3 snacks and I got a membership at the YMCA yesterday. Im bout to get my slim on! Next month I have made arrangements to be in New Orleans for Mardi Gras!!! Im going with with two of my favorite people and I plan on finding me a fine Creole man... dark and sexy! So I've also realized that Im so not following my correctly so prayers are also really welcome!

new year

Happy new year! I would have posted sooner but my new year was sp terrible I didn't what to relive the moment or pretend to rejoyce about it. However, I still see good things coming out of the next 12 months. Main resolution is DISCIPLINE. Im going to learn to get rid of some of my old terrible habits and teach myself that I can't get everything that I want and that its okay to want for things. Also, I will get in some excercise this semester. I was doin great last year and this past semester I completely fell off. No good! Im getting back in stride if it kills me...