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Showing posts from July, 2010

bitter sweet

yea... life is going all types of crazy. That hour and a half commute I have to work each way, just became semi permanent. Got a bit of a reality check from one of my old co workers. Basically she said I'm being a selfish ass using my parents house to save for my own apartment, when I know things here rough here. The economy is hitting everyone, I just didn't realize how close to home it hits. And of course... she's right. So that means more long days are ahead. Of course good has to come out of any adverse situation: -I'm saving some (just some) -I'm helping my family -I'm closer to family ...and that's what I'm gonna focus on

Dear Eve, suck! No piece of fruit can be worth agony that I endure monthly. Not to mention my pregnant woman-like cravings. When ever my monthly comes I crave greasy food, namely hot wings (which had last night). And of course that's not helping me in any kind of way, and that's all I have to say about that. Now, I know I just had my fill Friday and this will be my third time talking about, but I do believe this may be either the best or worse fill I have had yet. On the up side I'm feeling restriction... a lot of restriction. For dinner I could only get down a chicken breast, and I didn't even finish the whole thing. Which leads to the not so good part... I've never been 100% sure of what food getting stuck feels like, our exactly what PBing is versus just throwing up cause I ate to fast, but I think I may have experienced both of those in the past 4 days! Any type of solid food I eat is PAINFUL to get get down if I don't chew for like 10 minutes before s...

on a short leash

After sitting in traffic for 3... yes 3... hours, I finally made i to my fill appointment 30 minutes late. Luckily they are always running behind and I was still able to get in. Instead of my usually foreign handsome P.A., the nurse practitioner saw me and decided to give me a stern talking to. Once she realized I haven't had any fills or check ups since last June she made sure to remind me of my arch nemesis carbohydrates. Not that she was telling me anything I didn't already know, but it's always different when someone gives you that conviction. So after my fill she said I need to come back in 2 weeks. Due to my year long hiatus I need to be kept "on a short leash". Im totally ok with that. thus far I have been out of control and I really do need some kind of accountability. Liz has been trying to help me with that and I love her for it. Im just the worse when it comes to follow through!!! In non band related news, this summer is not going at all how I...

Fill 'er up!

Just scheduled my first fill in over a year! Super excited... not about the bill that will come soon after but about that lovely restriction that I miss oh so much! Rigt now I can eat a little over 1 and a half cup of food. I think my goal is about a cup... Luckily I do have a little restriction that I definitely felt this weekend. Went back to Hampton to visit my friends and had a great time. Got to go to my fav place Tommy's. Hands down the best breakfast on the east coast, and the cheapest. Sunday beached it up... then back to boring work, sleep, repeat. Really wanted a new tattoo or to have my piercing redone, but I'll hold off. Pics fro the weekend: At Tommy's about to get our grub on 4th of July at Buckroe Beach In Virginia Beach partying...