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Dear Eve, suck! No piece of fruit can be worth agony that I endure monthly. Not to mention my pregnant woman-like cravings. When ever my monthly comes I crave greasy food, namely hot wings (which had last night). And of course that's not helping me in any kind of way, and that's all I have to say about that.

Now, I know I just had my fill Friday and this will be my third time talking about, but I do believe this may be either the best or worse fill I have had yet. On the up side I'm feeling restriction... a lot of restriction. For dinner I could only get down a chicken breast, and I didn't even finish the whole thing. Which leads to the not so good part...

I've never been 100% sure of what food getting stuck feels like, our exactly what PBing is versus just throwing up cause I ate to fast, but I think I may have experienced both of those in the past 4 days!
Any type of solid food I eat is PAINFUL to get get down if I don't chew for like 10 minutes before swallowing. Ate a chicken breast today and I'm not sure if I stopped because I was full,if it just hurt too much, or because I was just so damn tired of chewing.

... now just 9 days until my return to Atlanta. I'm super duper excited! Also, there's a chance I've found a place near my job... cutting nearly an hour off of my commute. Pray for me ya'll. This drive is going to kill me If I have to do it for another 2 months!

I desperately need meal ideas. I'm going to buy groceries this weekend so ideas for cheap good food is ALWAYS encouraged!


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