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You see me?

After uploading for like 3 hours! I finally got this video blog up! Totally stole the idea from Kristin's blog but its such a GREAT idea I'm sure she doesn't mind...
Anyhow just wanted to tell you all more about me so here it is. ENJOY!
(BTW... the freeze frame is the worse!)


Good vlog, it was neat! cool voice as well! I wish I could figure out how to do that. haha!
Tiffani said…
Loved your vlog!!! YAY!

I'm a self-pay but my clinic offers packages to purchase. The initial package covered the first YEAR of all appts! ALL fills, nutritionist appts, psych appts, etc. ALL! Next year I can purchase another year for somewhere between 1-2k... not sure what will happen yet though because we want to TTC soon.

Good luck!!

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