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Keep it Move-IN!

So, one of the things I’m focusing on this go round is exercising, and there is a few ways I plan on adding a little more activity to my life!
1) Go the distance. Since I have a very hard time motivating myself to exercise, I am trying to sneak it in to little things through ought my day. I've started wearing a pedometer, and everyday he goal is to get in 10,000 steps, which is approximately 5 miles. How am I doing this? Little changes, like parking farther away, going the longest route to class, walking around the student center, pacing, ANYTHING!

2) Tread On! I try and go the gym at least twice a week. And when I go, I try to walk for at least 30min. To keep my eye's off the timer (which always goes sooooo slow!) I have started putting TV shows on my phone so I can focus on them instead of the time.

3) Dance Dance... I have made a new wonderful discovery, Fit TV on demand! Free aerobics workouts for whenever! Currently I really like doing this latin one! Who knew, I actually exercise that I actually enjoy doing!!!

My meals are doing pretty good too. Today was delicious!
Oatmeal with milk and sugar 11

Turkey sandwich 6
Minestrone soup 1

Pork chops w/onions and peppers 6
mashed potatoes 4
corn 1

chips 3
brownie 5


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