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Starting over... again

Hey ya'll. It's been a while.  Like 7 years or something crazy.  7 years I've spent becoming an adult, and finally understanding that old saying "you're always learning".  Little did I know just how true that statement really is.  In the most cliche way ever.   Not going to get into it now, but I'm sure eventually all the happenings and life that have occurred will come out in one way or another.

So you may be thinking... why come back now?  weeeellllllllll, its time.  I'm finally in a mental space where I know the importance of being healthy, and I want to do the work.  I wanted it before, but in a very superficial way.  Now,  it's about goals and ain't nobody trying to be out of breath when they are on thier GRIND.

I'm taking a look back at my weight journey and the many ups and downs and ups... and ups...  and ups...  to see what I did when I was actually working at losing weight.  When I was being intentional.  Then I sat down and I made a list of the things that I did consistently to be healthier.   My plan is to reintroduce the good habits, and focus on maintaining them even as life happens.  Most things were pretty obvious, but actually writing them down helped me see how much work I put in.  Now that I'm 30 (which is a whole other post in itself) I've got a little more fire under my ass to keep going. Where am I going to start?  Right here with the list
  1. Water- ... a ton of it.  I remember I drank h20 ALL THE TIME.  I remember because I also peed all the time.  I also remember seeing results when I made water intake a priority.  So here's to countless bathroom visits and 64 plus ounces a day!
  2. Working out- I hate working out so I gotta be creative with this one, but it's a necessity.  I watched a youtube video recently (which I'll link once I find it).  It's actually where I got the idea to look back at this blog.  Anywho, she was talking about how working out for her is mental.  Working out puts her in the headspace to make other good decisions and to stay on track.  I think it's the same for me, I went to the gym today and immediately ate a salad after.  I hate salad so this means it's working already :)
  3. Protein- This might be the most annoying one of all.   My surgeon recommended something crazy like 80-90 grams of protein a day. Now sure how I did but I did.  Protein supplement shakes were a big part of it and a good amount of dairy.  Balancing this with low fat, low carb, and still making meals palatable... CHALLENGE
  4. Having food ready-   Meal prep is totally in right now.  For good reason, planning ahead for meals saves money and can ensure proper nutrition.  Now, I'm not a huge fan of meal prep on a large weekly basis.  However, when take a few minutes to think just a day or two in advance, it still makes a huge difference.  In fact I think it's more efficient.  I remember whats happening tomorrow and prepare for it much better a day or two ahead, and if things change I dont feel bad about not eating the chili I made for the 4th day in a row (no diss to chili, I LOVE chili!).
  5. Blog-  Now, did writing about my weight help me lose weight?  Nope, but it did hold me acceptable to myself.  So... here we are. 
And how about a before picture for old times sake!
Me, today, about 331, a number I hope never to type again.


Ronkidonks said…
Welcome back! Best of luck to you. Just know this journey is just that, a journey. There is no done!

We are ever evolving, ever changing, ever learning. Good on you for taking life by the horns! I'll be following your journey, best of luck!

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